Until the Lion tells His Own story, the tale of the Hunt will Always Glorify the Hunter.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Shocking! 48 Women Raped Every Hour In Congo, 1,152 Per Day

Women in Congo

CONGO– An estimated 1,152 women are raped every day, or 48 per hour, in Congo according to a study to appear in the American Journal of Public Health.

In one particularly war-ravaged part of the country, 67 out of every 1,000 women have been raped at least once. By comparison, the annual rate in the US is 0.5 per 1,000.

“The message is important and clear: Rape in (Congo) has metastasized amid a climate of impunity, and has emerged as one of the great human crises of our time,” says the director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.

Study authors relied on figures from a government health survey and pooled data from across the country to conclude that 29 Congolese women out of every 1,000 were raped.

Congo has been called the worst place on earth to be a woman, and it is tragically living up to its reputation. The Hague to declare rape a weapon of war. During 15 years of war, hundreds of thousands of women and girls have been raped and tortured in the Congo.

Rising Rape In Congo Unveils U.N’s Weakness

Four armed men barged into Anna Mburano’s hut, slapped the children and threw them down. They flipped Mrs. Mburano on her back, she said, and raped her, repeatedly.

It did not matter that dozens of United Nations peacekeepers were based just up the road. Or that Mrs. Mburano is around 80 years old.

“Grandsons!” she yelled. “Get off me!”

The mineral coltan mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is used in the production of cell phones, laptop computers and digital cameras, but has also been cited as fueling conflicts in the Congo that have killed an estimated 5.4 million people since 1998.

“Somehow we’ve been desensitized to Black Africa,”. “We see it as their fault because we don’t see our part in it.”

“A million people in displaced camps. Can you even imagine that?”

“When you go through an event like that, you say, ‘What is my life worth?’” “Certainly not to gain material things.”

“I believe we are all one. We’re all connected,”. “If somebody is suffering in the Congo and I have everything that I need — people are only happy when they share.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So many New Yorkers were murdered on September 11, there is a sigh of relief in the air. Many people all over the world were overjoyed!

I have witnessed Obama constantly having to prove himself over and over again.

It also really is "the single most important success the United States has had in its war against al Qaeda."

Hats off to our nation President Barack Obama! His descision helped
America looks strong again: Bin Laden's death "matters because the U.S. put a marker down,"

“He looks stronger than he has on any other issue.” A Democratic Insider echoed that this is a “huge positive for him as commander in chief: the more details come out the better he and his national security team look.” Another Democratic Insider noted: “One of the main criticisms [of Obama] is that when it comes to foreign policy, he is not strong enough and is an apologist to the world—this puts those arguments to bed.”

"Imagine the effort to go through Osama's laptop."


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 25% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president.

With the successful military strike, Insiders in both parties felt that Obama has been able to quell doubts about his conduct of foreign policy and burnished his leadership image. “For once the President has shown he can lead and get results,” said one Republican Insider.


Thirty-seven percent (37%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12 (see trends).

Americans today are celebrating the news that Osama bin Laden is dead. The update on the president’s Job Approval ratings is based upon interviews completed before that news was released.

President Obama’s ratings have remained remarkably steady over the past 18 months through a whole series of major news events.