Until the Lion tells His Own story, the tale of the Hunt will Always Glorify the Hunter.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Unfair Justice -The two faces of the law

The Spirit of Sankofa writes...........

I have often wondered, why is that a Black Man or the not so well to do gets arrested, (jump a tunstile in NY) immediately they receive a free go to jail card. Where rich individuals, well to do get arrested they get to enjoy the comforts of home (Penthouse).
Someone expressed- well Madoff hasn't been proven guilty. Neither has the soul that jumped the turnstile.
Another case the Equador immigrant that was murdered alledgely by two black men, charged with a hate crime are receivng a unfair call. Let's be clear if you do the crime you should do the time. But when the district attorney says they should get a sentence of 78 years, I Must Raise My Voice!

Lets discuss All the Crimes of Hate committed in our time, against people of color. that goes without even a slap on the rist! Unfair for the wheels of Justice that is suppose to represent itself for truth. Exposied the Reality, the scales of Justice are Not leveled when it comes to Afrcan Americans.

Let us take a look back as far as the Civil Rights Movement.
For the symtoms remain -Whatever is within the Heart flows the issues of life.
Part of the problem is- most Blacks earn less, learn less.

Marcus Garvey had an influence in the millions. This made J. Edgar Hoover uneasy. Why did it make him uneasy? Whenever a Black Man had any influence, the goverment saw it as power. According to James Foran, The CRM was under attack by Hoover. The FBI. testified against King and admitted they were persuing him with obessive behavior. The board investigating the FBI asked why, and asked did King comment any crimes of violence to warrant him to be persued and wire tapped. The answer was a resounding NO! They had a hand in the murder of Malcolm, and so on.
Black Culture as a whole was put on notice and spied upon as if it were terrioriist needing to be disected and put on file for more intensive investigation.
Othello a FBI informat spoke about the role he played in the conspiracy and down fall of the fabric of African Culture. He expressed, Black magazines, music. entertainers, athletics Black wrters etc....were placed in an intensive study, using the information such as Blacks behavior patterns, to seek out weaknesses, to use against those that we respect and would listen to. These types of agents didn't stop there, but they ran many studies on African tribalism etc.. They paid this particlar black informnt $800 a week and back in the 70's this salary was very good especially a man of color. He was responsible by his own admission -he burned down Watts. These people also took part in setting people up and writing letters and signing false signatures.
I believe what's most important to the Black community is to understand we need a wake-up call. The point is as I am concern, learn and seeked out as much about yourself, your ancient history. And know..... A people without the knowledge of their ancient history, is like a tree without roots
Marcus Garvey

Hotep - Know Thyself

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